Setting up the SimTutor Author Add-In within Microsoft PowerPoint
Open Microsoft PowerPoint, ensuring you have some content in the slides to import into SimTutor
Click Add-Ins within the header
Select More Add-ins
Search for SimTutor in the search box
Select Add
The SimTutor add in should now be installed!
Using the SimTutor Author Add-in
Select the SimTutor icon in the header, and log into your SimTutor Author account in the sidebar that appears.
Create a new simulation, or select an existing one to import your slides into
Once you select Import all slides will be uploaded as cover steps in the new or chosen simulation. Any changes made to these imported steps will be synchronized again by selecting the Import button again.
Note: New slides will be added, but removed slides will need to be manually deleted in SimTutor Author.
We suggest using the Planning View to quickly change these steps to different step types, such as Quiz or Hotspot Steps. These step type changes will remain if you update the slides using the Import button.