Release Notes (20 April 2023)
Benny Jekel avatar
Written by Benny Jekel
Updated over a week ago

New Reporting

We have very recently released two new reports in the updated reporting system. These can be accessed via the new Reporting Dashboard that has replaced the old reporting system.

Trainee Reports

Trainee reports allows you to see a list of all your learners with a summary on their progress. Clicking into a learner allows you to see more detailed information on the sims they have attempted/completed.

Invites: Number of users that have been given access to the simulation.

Pending: Number of users that have yet to accept the invitation, or start the sim.

In progress: Number of users that have started, but not finished the simulation.

Completed: Number of users that have completed the simulation.

Failed: Number of users that achieved less than the pass mark given for that simulation.

Passed: Number of users that achieved the pass mark given or higher for that simulation.

Module Reports

Module reports allows you to view a list of your modules, and a quick overview of learner progress data. After clicking into a module using the down arrow, the Module steps tab will show each step in that module, and the success rate of each. This helps you identify which questions your learners are tripping up on the most. Please note, ordering by “Step number” is only available for sims that have been taken by learners after April 2023.

The Trainee tab for a given module shows a list of your learners, and their results on that simulation including the attempts, their pass/fail rate, and their highest score.

Features/ Improvements:

Public Sims:

- Included optional ability to protect public sims with a password

Bug Fixes:

- Minor bug fixes and improvements

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